Tuesday, September 30, 2008

It's that time of year again...

UGH!!! I hate when I'm starting to come down with something. My body aches, my nose starts to get runny, my head feels like an elephant just collapsed on it, and I have no energy or desire to work. I sound like I'm complaining, but I'm describing my cold/flu. I'm not sure what I have because from looking at the research....a cold and the flu have very similar symptoms.

Here's how to tell if you have a flu: Fever, aches, chills, tiredness, symptoms appear within 3-6 hours, dry and unproductive cough, chest discomfort, headache.

Now here's how to tell if it's a cold: aches, tiredness, symptoms appear gradually, hacking and productive cough, sneezing, stuffy nose, sore throat, chest discomfort.

So I'm unsure what I have since my symptoms are intertwined between all the symptoms from both cases. Whatever it is... I'll just drink plenty of water, rest, and take a cold/fever medicine.



KhanhTran said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
KhanhTran said...

woops. i deleted it.
