Monday, September 15, 2008

Kermit the Frog isn't the only green one...

Last Saturday, I decided I was going to recycle all the plastic bottles and aluminum cans that I've collected. My niece was with me at the house and she was curious about where I was going. I told her, "I'm going to go recycle some things." She asks me, "What is recycling?" A light bulb just illuminated over my head and said, "Oh my stars...this is a teachable moment!" I asked my niece if she'd like to join me and of course she agreed to come with me. On the way, I told her that it's necessary for us to recycle. I told her, "You know all those bottles and cans that you drink from? Well, they are made out of plastic and aluminum. These items do not break apart as quickly, so eventually if we don't recycle, our Earth will be in a bad condition. When we recycle, we send it to people who will use the plastic and aluminum to make new cans and bottles or anything else that can be made out of plastic and aluminum." Then I told her that when we recycle we not only help keep our Earth healthy, we get paid for it. She said, "Oh I get it!!! At my house, we have a bin for glass, a bin for cans, a bin for plastic bottles, and my grandma recycles... no wonder she's soooo rich!" So there you have it... I've gone green and I've got 19 green ones in my wallet. :wink:

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