Monday, September 8, 2008

Caffeine is the Opiate of the Masses...

It's been three weeks since Summer ended for me. I had to say goodbye to staying up until one in the morning and goodbye to sleeping in. I dread waking up the same time the sun rises. Sometimes even waking up before the sun rises. Moreover, I don't operate until I've got coffee running through my bloodstream. Preferably, I'd like a Venti Soy White Mocha with a triple shot of espresso served by "Taylor...the Latte Boy". But to get to the point... coffee filled with caffeine with the normal double shot does nothing for me. Why is this? My hypothesis is: Caffeine is a drug and eventually it becomes an addiction when you consume it daily by the millisecond. Eventually your body becomes immune to the chemicals released by this so called "Feel Good" drug--Caffeine. My body has reached the point that it rejects the effects of Caffeine. No longer does caffeine give me that jolt of energy to keep me going and going (kinda like the Energizer Bunny?). But I've reached the conclusion, I pay for the White Mocha any day just to put that smile on my face. Addiction? Maybe?

To check my hypothesis, I did some more Googling like any Google addict would do. I discovered that if you consume too much caffeine, you can become tolerant of the stimulant. Further research shows that when consuming caffeine, the number of adenosine receptors in your central nervous system increases. In turn, it makes the consumer sensitive to adenosine. The more you consume, the more receptors your body builds. In turn, this causes you to continue to feel like you have a headache, experience nausea, and exhausted, which then makes you just crave for more caffeine.

Surprisingly...all this negativity towards caffeine still makes me want to run out to a Starbucks and grab a white mocha. MMMMMM!!

Note: There's an image at the top. I thought it was hilarious and relates well to coffee and chocolate, which happens to be my two favorite things. :)

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